Monday 5 March 2018

Go Further with Food

National Nutrition Month 2018
March is National Nutrition Month and this year's theme is "Go Further with Food". The message with this theme is to get the most out of your food and to reduce food waste. There are several ways we can go further with food, let's learn more!

Prep Meals in Advance
Prepping a weeks worth of meals on the weekend is one way you can reduce food waste and help you save time during the week! You can make a large batch of a recipe on Sunday afternoon for lunch for the week. Separate and portion out each serving, reheat and eat! If you like to make a new meal every night for dinner, plan a leftover night once a week to clean out the fridge and have the leftovers to stop food waste.

Store Food Correctly
Storing your food correctly can help reduce food waste, as well as promote food safety! Some ideas you can do are: label and date all food in the freezer and eat the oldest first, freezing fruits or vegetables that you aren't going to use right away to prevent them from spoiling, and check what you have hiding in your fridge or pantry before you go buying more food. Having your fridge and freezer at the right temperature can help your food last longer too! Your fridge should be between 36-40 degrees and the freezer should be between -10-0 degrees.

Shop Locally and In-Season
Buy your fruits and vegetables from a farmers market for locally grown, and in season options. If you buy fruits or vegetables out of season, they travel a long way to get to the store and there's no guarantee that the are fresh! Buying fresh and local fruits and vegetables will be cheaper and tend to last longer too! Buying locally keeps your money in the area too!

Last week, at my Clinical rotation, the other intern and I set up a table in the cafeteria during lunch time for National Nutrition Month! We sampled a heart healthy kale salad, gave out nutrition tip cards, and talked to employees and visitors about the importance of nutrition. Here's our table!!

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